
1. 付款 (無須另收手續費)
在確認訂單時,在付款方法一項選擇「PayPal」,按「確定」後將自動連至 PayPal 的付款專頁以完成簡單的付款手續。
PayPal 接受以 Visa, MasterCard, American Express 等信用卡或用PayPal 帳戶餘額支付款項

2. 銀行轉帳
在確認訂單時,在付款方法一項選擇「Wire Transfer」,按「確定」後請轉帳至以下帳戶(透過銀行網上理財過數 或 親自到銀行入數均可):
帳戶銀行: HSBC
帳戶編號: 652-389396-838
帳戶名稱: Kitchen Craft (Hong Kong) Limited

3. FPS: 6681217 (公司名Kitchen Craft HK LTD)

1. 買滿HK$300全港免運
費 (特別地區除外)
2. 貨品將由 順豐 運送往全港住宅或商業地址 (特別地區除外)
3. 如要運送到香港以外地區,請聯絡我們另行安排

Payment method

1. (No transaction fee)

Choose ‘PayPal’ at the Checkout page. After you clicked ‘Place to order’ button, you will be directed to PayPal’s payment page. Please follow the instructions to complete the payment process. PayPal accepts payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc.) or your PayPal balance.

2. Bank transfer

Choose ‘Wire Transfer’ at the Checkout page. After you have confirmed an order, please transfer the order amount by online banking, ATM or bank counters.

Bank: HSBC

Account number: 652-389396-838

Name of account holder: Kitchen Craft (Hong Kong) Limited

3. FPS: 6681217 (Kitchen Craft HK LTD)

Shipping method

1. Free shipping to Hong Kong
(except the special areas) for orders HK$300 or above.
2. Orders are shipped by SF Express courier (except the special areas).
3. Please contact us for delivery outside Hong Kong.